Back To School 5th Grade Book List

Hi Friends,

Last night on facebook live, I shared two chapter books that I am considering reading when I start in just 2.5 weeks. Crazy how summer flies. I am excited to get back into the swing of things though. I have realized the older I get the more scheduled I like my life. #atype

I thought I would share my favorite 5th grade books recommendations list with my readers. I am going to giving this list to all the parents at Back to School Night. If you teach 4th or 6th grade, these books would also work for your classes. FYI-Some of the choices are geared more toward fifth grade.

Just click on the picture, download, print on colorful paper, and send home with students. For your convenience I have also linked books mentioned in list below.

Pax-Global Read Aloud
BFG-Global Read Aloud
 What books do your students love?
Amazon Affiliate links were you used in this post to help my picture book obsession. 🙂

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