If there is one pillar of character that I had to say was most important, I would hands down go with KINDNESS. I tell my students our number one rule is: BE KIND. It is the only way we do it. No {ifs, ands, or buts} Honestly, I pride myself in the kindness community I have created in my classroom because of authors like Maria Dismondy. The amazing author, Maria Dismondy, has written many picture books to teach students how to be the BEST them. By being the BEST them they are kind, thoughtful, trustworthy, special, and thankful.
Maria’s latest book The Jelly Donut Difference {I digress- can we give her a high five for always having food titles.. HIGH FIVE.}, is a sweet story of two siblings who spread kindness to their elderly neighbor. The kindness gestures they do bring years of smiles back to Ms. Marvis’ heart. As I read the story aloud, I kept smiling because this book teaches students that SIMPLE acts of kindness are valuable no matter the size.
Hopefully you use picture books to spread kindness around in your classroom! I can must say this book should be on your list!!! #justsayin’(Amazon affiliate link used)