Father’s Day is June 18th-this coming Saturday. Below are my favorite FATHER’S Day reads. For easy access I have linked all the books to Amazon!
All of these books are perfect for kids to read with their daddies. My favorite two are {daddies do it different} and {how to surprise a dad}.
Check out this cute pic collage idea I bloomed this summer. I have been watching Jen Jones of Hello Literacy use pic collage for her reading instruction for years. Then, I have become Kami Butterfield of Teaching with APPitude biggest fan because of her online Pic Collage courses. #heradorbsglasses Seriously have learned so much for these two. #teachershelpingteachers
I choose my favorite dad from one of the above picture book selections. Cropped (clip) the dad from the story and then added characteristics about my dad in the picture. This is in mid creation, I still need to add more qualities that describe my dad.
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