Want your students to love reading? I am going to share 8 ways to create a positive reading community in your classroom. It is vital for your students to see how much you love reading. SHOW YOUR KIDS YOU LOVE TO READ. It all starts with the teacher. Teachers are role models for their students and it is our job to OPEN THE MAGIC! *Amazon Affiliate Links are used in this post to help Ramona Recommends bring more picture book recommendations to you. Thank you!
1. What is the TEACHER READING
-During the school year I share with my students what books I am reading. Most of the time, they are children’s picture books and chapter books. I love using children’s literature
through out my day in the classroom. I do A LOT of reading to see how I can fit most books into my curriculum.
My kids know picture books are my jam. My total count is a little over 2,000 books in my home office. I entitled my library OPEN THE MAGIC! I want them to know I love love love reading! Want to see my old
Open the Magic library? Below you can see a few of the new pictures.
I get asked daily: is this your own library and how to do use organize all your picture books? The answer is yes, but more about that later. Here is the short story how I organize- purchase: input into excel spreadsheet: put which picture books I want to use while I teach into my picture book resource binder. Want to see some previews,
click here! Maybe you want to get super organized this year?
The Picture Book Resource Binder will do just that.
Once a month or weekly I have book chats with my students. I ask them what books they are reading. Sometimes they learn about books quicker than I do. They help me create my
recommendation lists. Need More? I have some
here too. Gets kids talking about reading. The more the students see the passion you have for reading the more likely they will sure to foster their own relationship with books.
Create a Recommendation Wall for the kid to recommend to each other. We all know kids like reading what their peers read. Last year, one boy read
Prisoner B-3087 and then all the rest of the boys started to read it. They even had mini book clubs at lunch. My student did a recommendation binder this year called Bubblicious Book Reviews. They were required to write at least 3, but many words 10-15 reviews.
Show your kids picture of you shopping the Scholastic Warehouse Sale
Go through the catalog each month and pick 5 books you would recommend. Staple on to catelog sheet and send home.
Read Alouds are KEY to any classroom instruction. They are just as important as teaching multiplication. Students are able to hear fluent reading, see how to make connections, get lost in the reading, and learn about new books. This year I am going to start off by reading
Class Dismissed
Class Dismissed is about a fifth grade class that becomes teacher less. The teacher has had enough of their silly, but funny escapades. The 5th graders must figure out how to run a classroom. While reading it last year, it made laugh out loud. There is plenty of figurative language and rich description. The reason I want to read this book first, is build a positive reading relationship with my class. This book is not serious, but will allow the students to enjoy and learn at the same time.
8. Picture Books For Days
I am a fifth grade teacher and use picture books to help open, guide, and inspire my lessons. One Cool Friend is great to teach students how to correctly use quotations while writing. I introduced my lesson with this book. The book sat nicely on my document camera so I was easily able to show my students each quotation mark and explain the purpose.
By the way, do you follow me on instagram? I put many picture recommendations on my weekly feed and instagram stories. During the year, its my jam! Ramona Recommends Instagram
Are you teaching opinion writing? Check out I Wanna New Room by Karen Kaufmann Orloff. Does a great job teaching the opinion writing style (opinion, reason, backup). The kids think it is hilarious and can relate well to new siblings joining the family.
The United States of America– is a great book for students to use when learning about the United States.
Read a picture book a day JUST FOR FUN! Not everything you do in your classroom needs a standard behind it. Reading picture books just for fun can build a strong classroom community.
Want to know more books to help build a strong classroom community?
Do you sell the bubblicous book review on TPT? Thanks!
Such wonderful reminders! I definitely think reading is contagious — the more excited I get about a book or topic, the more my students want in on the action too! Love this post!
Amanda 🙂
My Shoe String Life
Love this post!! I wish you lived closer, Court <3
LOVE this post! I teach 5th grade Reading/ELA and SS. I have some school money to spend on books for my classroom library and I was looking at your Instagram for book recommendations last night! I love to read and as a Reading teacher, it's so nice to see another educator who LOVES reading, too!
Thanks for the idea of creating a "What's Mrs. Geren Reading?/Mrs. Geren Recommends" board. I definitely want to incorporate that this year! Your library is AMAZING! What I'd give to have one like that! I hope to incorporate book talks into my classroom this year. I'm thinking of doing it weekly if I have enough participation.