OPEN THE MAGIC DAY is Wednesday, September 25th. Think about all the confetti moments your students will have when you read them a picture book!
All I wanted was to be able to comprehend a book and not tell my mom, “I don’t get it.” -third grade me.
I hated to read, but I LOVED books. I loved books because I saw them as prized treats that would make me smile as I learned about each character.
Sitting on the floor with my mom as a kid reading picture books is one of my greatest childhood memories. Reading was a forever in my home. My parents and teachers showed me all the magic that can come from good books even if someone else is reading the story.
You have students in your class who are desperately wanting to open the MAGIC in books.
Come celebrate OPEN THE MAGIC Day! This day is to celebrate read alouds, picture books, the love reading, and students who have struggled to find their reading voice. Be the teacher who says, “Open The Magic!”.
I also want to bring awareness to “this picture book is recommended for K-2” when most picture books make kids and adults have all confetti moments. PICTURE
BOOKS ARE FOR ALL AGES #even100yearolds
I have selected 3 different picture books that have sparked MAGIC in my heart to read on Open The Magic Day! Each of one of these books reminds me why I believe teaching social emotional standards is a must in the classroom. Our kids need to see themselves in literature and learn about others around them. I hope you will choose one or all three to read to your students. Read one or three OR pick a book another… but just READ! 🙂
A Boy Like You:
I am so thankful that I can share A Boy Like You. This masterpiece
encompasses all of the perfect messages to send to the boys who
sit in our classrooms everyday. THIS book is the perfect text to help
teachers and parents find the right words when modeling self love.
Author: Frank Murphy
Illustartor: Kayla Harren
Publisher: Sleeping Bear Press
Zola’s Elephant:
Do you ever plan something out and then something completely
opposite happens? When I picked up Zola’s Elephant. I thought I was going to read about
building friendships. But then as I was turning the pages I started to realize something.
This book was chosen for me and my fifth graders. Raise your hand if you have ever
speculated something but it wasn’t even true. Yep, I will admit that I
over analyze, worry, and lead with my heart. THIS book just taught me a life lesson and I am 35. Sometimes you just gotta let life happen and if you want something,
sometimes you have to go for it. Sometimes you have to put yourself out
there and let the world see and hear your heart. Think about your students could they learn something from Zola?
Author: Randall de Seve
Illustrator: Pamela Zagarenski
Publisher: HMH Books for Young Readers
The Day You Begin:
This book needs to be in every classroom around the
world. THIS book reiterates why using picture books with older kids is
so powerful. This little gem celebrates the difference of people all
around the world while tucking in lessons on diversity, imagery, and
self-esteem. I don’t know about you, but those are some great topics for upper elementary.
Author: Jacqueline Woodson
Illustrator: Rafael Lopez
Publisher: Penguin
Not sure what to do on Open The Magic Day?! Below are some suggestions to help you get started! If you have other ideas, come find me on instagram and share! @ramonarecommends
Want to know more about how to get in touch with an author or illustrator? Read my free guide with tips and ideas to invite an author or illustrator into your virtual space.
Guess WHAT! New MAGIC WEAR is launching Sunday, August 11th at 8:30am! Stay tune for some really cute merch!
If you have any questions, please reach out! I love talking books, reading, and all the teachery things! Just don’t forget to celebrate OPEN THE MAGIC DAY!
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