Celebrate National Days with Picture Books

Every morning my students run HELLO to YOU! During this time, the schedule is read, the pledge is recited, lunch count is completed, attendance is taken, and national days are read just before Open The Magic. 
My favorite National Day is Open The Magic Day celebrated on September 25th each year to acknowledge the importance of reading picture books to people of all ages. This last Open The Magic Day, I spent my morning at Once Upon a Time a quaint children’s book store in Montrose, California. 
Each morning our National Days reader shares what the national day is and sometimes I pair a book with the holiday. Below you will find my favorite national days each month and books that I think pair quite well. I have also included my personal list of the days I celebrate in the classroom. All of the days are kid-friendly. If you are looking for more days that I do not share peer into National Days website
The Ultimate KID FRIENDLY List. Each month I print out a new list and give to the student who reads the national days for the month. This job is one of the favorites! To work on their confidence, I have the speaker stand up and say: Today’s National Day is/are and then read the events. I have a good theme. To keep the fun going, I typically create a question surrounding the theme of the day. Lets not forget I try my hardest to also find a picture book to read as well. Do you follow my monthly national picture book posts? 
Example National Day:
National Bagel and Lox Day (February 9th)
Book: Bagel in Love by Natasha Wing
Question: What is your favorite type of bagel? Toasted? Cream Cheese?

Below you can click on the picture and it will take you to my list on amazon for each month. 
Month lists here too!

Need more suggestions about picture books you use at home or in the classroom, come chat with me on instagram @ramonarecommends.

Open The Magic,

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