I am so excited about this month’s podcasts. I have invited some of my bookful friends to chat with me about the picture books that we love. Get your pens and wish lists ready because we are going to be talk about all our favorites and you are going to want to add some of them to your shelves.
In today’s episode, I am happy to introduce you to Aimee Smith— a former second grade teacher turned stay-at-home mom. She loves discovering “secret covers” which is what is sometimes hiding behind the book jacket of a picture book. Aimee runs the Instagram account “Keepabookout” where she shares book recommendations and her special “bookies.” (sugar cookies with illustrations from books) You might be surprised to learn about her favorite holiday for picture books. And we even digress to discuss our favorite Ted Lasso characters. We had so much fun chatting about our mutual love of picture books. Enjoy!
Below you will find the books mentioned in this week’s episode. You can click on my Amazon affiliate link to purchase the books.
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