Picture Book Selection

Have you ever known the book you want to teach with but can’t find it on your shelf when the time comes? Or maybe you know a skill you want to teach, but you aren’t quite sure which book to use? Well boy do I have a solution for you! 

I inventory every single one of my books, and before you say anything, YES I have an OBSESSION and YES, I have soooo many books. BUT there is a bright side just for YOU! I make my inventory available in a couple of different ways. Keep reading to see its uses, benefits, and catch a freebie to make your own!

What is my Picture Book Inventory?

This is my top-tier book organization tool. I have every single book I own logged with their author, illustrator, subject, publisher, publishing year, and (my favorite!) spine color. There’s even tabs by subject and themes. Anytime I have a book in mind, I look at its spine color via the list and easily find it on my shelf. (PS- my bookshelf is also organized by subject and spine color to make this possible!)

Top 3 ways to use the Picture Book Inventory:

To check out more themed lists head over to my Amazon Storefront for a nearly endless supply of book ideas!!

Thank you for making it this far! Interested in organizing your books but not sure you want to commit to my inventory? Check out this free template to create your own!

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