The world requires a lot from each of us. I am here to tell you, grow at your pace that YOU are proud of.
Hi, I’m Courtney, a 5th grade teacher who was diagnosed with Dyslexia and an auditory processing disorder in third grade and turned her story into a brand that sprinkles confetti for all struggling readers. Let me share with you: that third grader graduated college with honors, has a masters in reading education, won Teacher of the Year, founder of Ramona Recommends and National Open The Magic Day, and LOVES picture books more than chocolate coconut ice cream and that is A LOT!
You might be here because you are a teacher, have a struggling reader at home, are a struggling reader, or want to know what is my next favorite picture book. I am so glad you are here.
Repeat after me. EVERYTHING WILL BE OK.
One day I hope you read my story and know you are making a difference for every student in your classroom. One day my life changed when I found my love for books.
I grew up in a loving home with two educated parents. My mom was a high school English teacher and my father a businessman who religiously read The Wall Street Journal. I have two older sisters who skated through school with almost perfect GPAs.
When I was in 2nd grade, I told my family at dinner one night, ” I WOULD LIKE TO ANNOUNCE: I AM GOING TO BE A TEACHER!” Books sparkled all over our home in special places where I would leave them. I had models in my life who showed me books were magic. Weekly trips to Rakestraw Books, the yearly Scholastic Bookfair, and local libraries were my FAVORITES. My mom read picture book after picture book to me. A childhood favorite was The Wonderful Pigs of Jillian Jiggs. We got different chapters books and I would painstakingly read them to her. Then she reread my disaster and we discussed what happened. Those times were so special to me! Growing up my mom would say, “It isn’t that you can’t do it: you just need time.” These were my favorite times as a kid…. the times where books were involved.
I was never the first to tie my shoe, write my name, read fluently, or know my times tables. Strriiiiickkk I would read instead of correctly pronouncing the word stick. Sometimes words looked totally different than what was on the page. My mom sat for hours helping me each night to get my homework done, and I cried and cried because I knew I was not like everyone else. I told her “my brain just can’t think. It is like it’s empty”. If I could get paid in books for how many times I said I was tired, my library would be triple. Of course I wasn’t tired, but work was HARD! As a kid, I got pulled to go to the resource room to practice reading comprehension. It was in a very nice trailer next to the music and computer rooms. My resource teacher was a jolly man who went by Mr. T. I went to “this room” all the way until high school. Like most resource students, I had a battery of tests given to me over the years that pinpointed my challenges as dyslexia and an auditory processing disorder. On top of that, I liked donuts too much, and the baby weight never came off. Luckily, my social skills were off the charts.
When I left “the room” I had many tutors for math and reading. I always had a positive attitude about learning. I did A LOT of memorizing just to get through tests. My parents empowered all of us to have a positive mindset even when something was hard. Believe me, I wanted to give up many times! I had a teacher in high school who told my mom I was not smart. Can you imagine saying that to a parent now? Even typing it I get so mad! Luckily, I was taken out of her class and placed in another class where I had more support to work on my math skills.
Fast forward to college application time. Y’all, I had low self esteem and the only thing I wanted to tell the world was I got accepted into a 4 year university. The thought of saying I was going to a community college made me feel so small. I had nightmares over this starting the second day of junior year. I prayed with my family for the right answer. The answer came to apply to a small liberal arts college in Illinois. I followed God’s direction and applied.
Two months later, I received an email that read, “You must have a full year of geometry before we can further review your application.” My heart melted. I was so close to going to a four year university, but this road block kicked me to the ground. I cried and cried. I went and met with my counselor and explained the situation. FLASHBACK: Remember when I was taken out of that one class my junior year? YEP, it was geometry. As I was sitting in my counselors office, our angel assistant principal peaked her head out of her office. Long story short, this angel let me take the whole year of geometry in summer school. I had a stellar teacher. He taught me all about proofs and every time I spelled angles wrong he never said I wasn’t smart. #angels Just a teacher tip: if your student is dyslexic, pick a different battle if they spell angles like angels. At the end of that summer, I passed geometry and actually understood proofs! I was able to give my transcripts to the college of my dreams. Then the communication went silent. I mean SILENT! Until…. March 4th at 4:31. The house phone rang. On the other side was a nice lady who asked if Courtney was home. I replied and the next thing I knew I was going to a 4 year university.
Fast forward a year and a semester… As much as I wanted to be a 4 year college student, I had to be true to myself. I had gained a ton of weight, I was not fitting in, classes were beyond hard, and my grandma passed away 2 days before my sophomore year. I remember calling my parents sobbing one night in November and saying, “I made a mistake.” This is too hard and I need help. Y’all the tears were big! I have never felt this sad and alone. I had to come home. I was embarrassed, but I knew God had a plan for me. He always does. Right before Thanksgiving break, I packed my entire dorm room and shipped back 15 boxes that belonged to me.
On the flight home, I was already thinking about what to do. The local community college would be starting in January for their winter session. The next morning, I called and set up an appointment with a college counselor. I was ready to try again at a pace that was better for me. THIS WAS ONE OF THE BEST DECISIONS OF MY LIFE. I attended the local community college for 2 years and had a hard, but rewarding experience. One story that sticks out the best in my mind is from my Math class. As you might remember, math and I aren’t the best of friends. In fact, reading and I get along better. Before I tell you this story, I literally had to tell my math tutor she couldn’t go into labor until I went into my final. I needed her tutoring until the last possible second before my test.
I had to practice and practice and practice for every test. My parents and I laugh that we bought my tutor’s entire designer bag collection. I had a tough time in class, but I learned. The final exam came (don’t worry my tutor didn’t go into labor until 2 days after the final) and I took every question and gave my best effort. That night I received a call from the professor who shared with me I had received a B on the final. PRAISE ALL THE ANGELS!!! Having the professor call me at home gave me all the confidence in the world to keep going. I had a wonderful rest of my time at the community college, and now it was time to decide where to transfer as I had finished almost all of my GED courses.
I called the University of Arizona home for the next 2 years where I received my degree in Elementary Education. During one of my first few weeks at UofA, I found Thank You, Mr. Falker by Patricia Polacco* at a local bookstore. As I read down the page, I saw myself. I saw this little girl who wanted to be like everyone else, but wasn’t.When I found out this story was about Patricia Polacco, my very first confetti moment happened. I remember calling my mom and telling her everything was going to be alright!
Coming to the UofA has been one of my biggest accomplishments, and I can’t believe I will be graduating in May. This is the best thing that has ever happened to me.” -2008
On May 17th, 2008, I walked across the stage as my entire family plus best friend watched from the audience. The Dean of Students from the College of Education announced not only my name but…COURTNEY HINSHAW, College of Education, Magma Cum Laude-
Courtney Hinshaw, BA Elementary Education
When you know your passion, do it! Education classes were my favorite. They were hard, but I was able to do it! I was able to share my love and insight into something that so greatly described me as a person.
During the next couple years I started my first teaching job, was pink slipped, received my masters, working as instructional assistant, and started Ramona Recommends. On November 11th, 2013, I posted my first instagram photo on @ramonarecommends titled, “Welcome to Ramona Recommends”. I did not really know what I was doing in the beginning, but I did know how much I love children’s literature.
My journey of needing to push through continued. My master’s was almost over, but here came the Composition Exam. There was a class to prepare us, but I needed extra help. I did not want anyone to know. Again, even though I had come so far, I was still embarrassed and thought I wasn’t smart. Each week in my last trimester of CSUF, I drove up to the Reading Center where I was tutored on how to take the exam and practiced sharing my knowledge. The tutor and I worked through each paragraph. It was really helpful. If you are unsure about a comps exam, it is a 2 hour test that you take on site about everything you learned from the program with no notes. Prior to this day, you also write a paper using books and research and turn it in the morning of the on site exam. Examiners grade the essays and then you receive an email about 2 months later with test results. I will never forget April 16th. I was sitting on the floor of Party City buying glasses for my upcoming graduation party when my phone dinged.
The moment was here…. I opened the email and was elated when I read, YOU HAVE PASSED your Comps exam. I cried sitting there because it was another example that I was a READER.
After my masters I continued to IA while running Ramona Recommends. I was getting super discouraged. Even though I had an opportunity to long term sub, I still did not have own classroom. I questioned daily if teaching was for me. It was a long four years, but then Jesus spoke to me. It was a Tuesday night, and I was bawling my eyes out in the old Open The Magic headquarters. My mom tried to reassure me something was going to happen. It was the end of August, and I had received no calls for interviews. The following morning, I was sound asleep and my phone rang. It was the office assistant of a brand new school in my district. Fast forward I had an interview that Saturday and was offered the job on the next day while I was shopping at Nordstrom. You can read all about that journey right here! When I got off the phone with my principal, I literally screamed and ran back into the bathroom to shout the news to my mom, sister, and baby Jayden. I quickly dialed my dad’s number to share the good news! I finally had a teaching job after four years of praying and photo copying. Yes, I have Ramona Recommends but being teacher is where I am called.
I want to share one last confetti moment with you. I am where I am today because I AM A READER. My name is Courtney Frazier, and I am a college graduate, a master’s degree recipient, a reading specialist, owner of Ramona Recommends, a presenter, a 5th grade teacher in one of the best districts in the United States, and somebody who never gives up! Because I found the love of reading, kept fighting, had teachers who walked this journey with me, and parents who gave me the world I can share my story. It was not overnight: in fact, it was over years of tears and reading A LOT of picture books and books. I would not be where I am today without MY STORY.
Picture Books are my Jam because they helped me know that words on a page can give you great joy.
EVERY KID HAS A CHANCE to become a READER. While I do recommend picture books, it is much bigger than that. I recommend books to help promote the love of reading. Every kid deserves to find a book that will lead them to a confetti moment.
There is so much magic in my heart. Never give up on your students. Every book has magic inside. Be the teacher who says, “Open The Magic!”
I dedicate this blog post to my late mom. She was my favorite read alouder.