Back to School Collaboration Activity

Featuring the book “Collaboration Station” by Shannon Olsen

As back to school approaches, it is time to set expectations for the beginning of the year. Collaboration is key in a classroom and will help set your students up for success in the future. I like to call my collaboration activity a learning how to human activity. This activity is a great way to engage students, learn about their communication style, and read a picture book to your class. 

Prior to this year, I have always read Pig the Pug when introducing my collaboration lesson, but this year I am changing it up. 

Have you read Collaboration Station by Shannon Olsen? It is a new favorite for modeling the YESs and Nos of collaboration. 

There are many great parts to the book, but I really love how Shannon explained why working together can benefit all. I also love how she respectfully explains to kids how to lead and not boss. This skill is hard for kids who learn at all different paces. Model- Model-Model. 

Class in Session: Step by Step in my classroom

Step 1:

I explain to my students that in order to have a successful school year we MUST learn how to collaborate aka work together. I bring down the house playing my FAVORITE collaboration video featuring USA Olympians. I have been playing this video for about 8 years and it still gives me all the feels. One year I had a few kids stand up at the end and clap. We watch the video the first time for effect and then 2 more times for learning. I point out all the ways the athletes are working together and working alone. I stress that even though the athletes are working alone they are really working together for TEAM USA. 

Step 2:

Together we make a chart on how to be a good classmate in a team setting. What does that look, sound, and feel like?

Step 3:

We read Collaboration Station and look for more ways to be a good classmate and add to our chart. At this time, I have students work together in table groups and jot down what they learned from the book or their own ideas. We share aloud and then I write on the chart. This leads into showing my students our SAY SOMETHING posters where I have created sentence stems to help my students communicate effectively in whole and group settings.  You can grab these posters to display in your classroom, here!

Side note, if you have not read Say Something by Peter H. Reynolds, you should! It is such a great book to teach kids how to stand up for themselves respectfully. 

Step 4:

Lastly, as a closing activity, I have my students write their collaboration motto for the year. It is very simple. It is as simple as a post it note and a pencil. I provide a sentence frame: I will collaborate effectively this school year by_____________ . They bring their post it note to the front of the room and adorned it to my Collaboration Station poster and then before BTSN, I laminate and hang up in my class. Here is what I think the poster will look like.  During the year, I will refer back to the poster for my students who are leading by example or need reminders. 

As a veteran teacher, I know the power of modeling and teaching expected behaviors over and over again. Make sure to model collaboration all the time. Collaboration is key in a classroom and will help set your students up for success in the future.

Looking for more books for BACK TO SCHOOL, here is a great list.

*Please note amazon affiliate links were used in this post.

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