Celebrate September National Days with picture books

Even though I start back to school in August, the true BACK TO SCHOOL season for my heart is September 1st. There is something about SCHOOL and SEPTEMBER that just makes my heart smile. 

I have always loved the month of September. It reminds me of back to school clothes shopping, fresh school supplies, and my mom and dad taking us to Chevy’s the night before school starts every year that I can remember. 

Along with loving September, I also love random facts. National Days, I think, were created for me because any celebration of anything is fun to me. In fact, when I created National Open The Magic Day, I knew I wanted it in September and I knew it had to be on the 25th. 

Yes, I did create a national day all about the power of picture books and to shed light on struggling readers! You can read HERE for a more detailed explanation of my favorite day of the school year. 

How do I celebrate national days in the classroom? As a teacher who loves to celebrate and picture books, I provide my students opportunities to learn about national days and always have a picture book in tow. Thursday, September 19th is National Talk Like a Pirate Day. We will be reading How I Became a Pirate and creating our Pirate name using this freebie from Motivating Minds in Upper Elementary. 

Here is a list of my fav NATIONAL DAYS for SEPTEMBER!

September 3rd: National Food Bank Day 
September 4th: National Wildlife Day
September 6th: National Read a Book Day  
September 16th: National Guacamole Day
September 19th: National Talk Like a Pirate Day
September 20th: National Fried Rice Day
September 24th: National Punctuation Day
September 25th: National Open The Magic Day
September 26th: National Pancake Day
September 27th: National Family Day
September 28th: National Voter Registration Day
September 30th: National Chewing Gum Day

Grab the book list HERE!

TEACHER TIP: In reading rotations, I love using Shell Rees’ Word Puzzles. The WPs are typically attached to fun national days. Gosh, I love a good theme! 

TEACHER TIP 2: If you need reading rotation activities to celebrate National Chewing Gum Day, I created activities using the book The Account of the Gum. If you have not read this book, I highly suggest doing so. It is hilarious! 🙂 

If you celebrate national days in your classroom, email me and let me know what you do. I am always looking for new ways to celebrate!

Here is a list of all the books I use to celebrate September National Days. If you want more lists, you can visit my amazon store and search each book list will pop up! 

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