December National Days

December is a fast month in the classroom. We spend a lot of time with picture books. Want to celebrate national days in your classroom? Here are my favorite ones to spread in Room 35. I send home a list to parents of each month’s days in hopes they will celebrate at home as well.

December 12th is National Gingerbread House Day. How fun would it be to read a Gingerbread House picture book and then create Gingerbread Houses as a family? Want to send home a pdf of the recommended National Day books for December? Grab it HERE or click on the picture here.

Here is a list of my fav NATIONAL DAYS for December!

December 1st: National Rosa Parks Day : If a Bus Could Talk: Rosa Parks’ Story
December 4th: National Cookie Day : How The Cookie Crumbled
December 7th: National Cotton Candy Day : Fairy Floss: The Sweet Story of Cotton Candy
December 12th: National Gingerbread House Day : The Plan for the Gingerbread House: A STEM Engineering Story
December 13th: National Violin Day : Ada’s Violin
December 15th: National Cupcake Day : Peanut Butter & Cupcake
December 18th: National Twin Day : Hair Twins
December 21st: National Anne Frank Day : A Picture Book of Anne Frank
December 25th: Merry Christmas! : Daddy Christmas and Hanukkah Mama
December 25th: Happy Hanukkah :
December 26th: National Thank You Note Day: The Thank You Letter
December 29th: National Hero Day : They’re Heroes Too
December 30th: National Bacon Day : Everyone Loves Bacon

Besides National Days in December, we focus on the picture book Our Favorite Day of the Year to learn about other holidays celebrated throughout the year. I love this book because it focuses on a variety of ways to celebrate. 

Here is a list of all the books I use to celebrate December National Days. If you want more lists, you can visit my amazon store and search December National Days and the book list will pop up! 

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