Why you can’t afford to not read picture books

This is a true story…

I know what it takes to create a lifelong reader. I know what it feels like to be a struggling reader. I know because that was/is me. 

In third grade, I was diagnosed with Dyslexia and an auditory processing disorder.  My heart goes out to all my students who struggle to read, to comprehend, to understand that they are not dumb. I remember when I was a kid my mom would tell me, “It is not that you can’t, it just takes you time.” 

I am a FIRM believer that using picture books in upper grade can promote a lifelong reader and lover of books. I create resources for my students using picture books because they are engaging, useful to practice reading skills, and create a community of book lovers. We all have students in our classroom who do not like reading. I believe if we can get our students to love books everything else will fall into place.Do not believe me? Read my story.  I want to tell you… it is not easy, but the path is worth it. 

INSTAGRAM does not tell the whole STORY. My brand Ramona Recommends sparkles confetti all over books. It does share the years of self doubt, being made fun of because I was not as smart as my peers, or the years of tears when I just did not understand what I was reading. 

To this day, chapter books are really hard for me to read aloud due to my dyslexia. I have to REALLY concentrate when reading. 

It hurts my heart when I see others not seeing the value in picture books like I do. I even second guess myself. BUT! I am here to tell you that because of picture books, I found a love for reading which in turn helps me find ways to navigate my dyslexia. Picture books have allowed me to understand how to infer, learn from the story, and find the main idea. GUESS WHAT, I have used the same methods I grew up learning in my own classroom. 

I have Dyslexia and I am a TEACHER. What a message to all kids who struggle. When teachers put in the work to find different ways to teach standards, kids respond. I am proof of this. 

Here is a list of my favorite picture books to use in my classroom to teach ELA standards. Jump inside and just get started. Not sure how, it is ok! I am here to help you. The first thing I want you to do is READ A PICTURE BOOK to your class just for fun. Promise me you will check out my how to read a picture book blog post. Kids do not respond well to robot readers. 🙂 

You can’t afford to wait any longer to read picture books because one of your students can greatly benefit from this life changing instruction. 

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